<aside> πŸ’‘ To compile this database, all verdicts were sourced from the official Ukrainian court registry website, which can be accessed at https://reyestr.court.gov.ua/. Please note that accessing this website requires a VPN connection. By utilizing this platform, we ensure that the verdicts included in the database are official and sourced directly from the domestic court system.


How to use the Ukrainian court registry

<aside> πŸ’‘ The names of the accused individuals do not appear on the verdicts themselves. To identify the accused parties, we rely on the information provided by the reputable source: Sudreporter, the website created and updated by Ukrainian journalists (https://sudreporter.org/). This source offers detailed articles on war crimes, shedding light on the individuals involved and their alleged crimes. You can find more information about war crimes and related articles at https://sudreporter.org/tag/voyenni-zlochyny/.
